Our life is a whirlwind and we don’t have time to waste. Rainbow keeps creating and she understands all the hard work has a purpose. Rainbow has incredible skills and we are prioritizing those. The challenges of the diagnosis of autism and now puberty will not take control of whatContinue Reading

We wrote a book to share a variety of experiences during these bizarre times we now live. As a parent, I was not going to be at peace complaining about the difficulties and uncertainty. I became an instigator of proactiveness, realizing we all needed to acknowledge and accept our emotions.Continue Reading

Greatest experience ever…  another one! To see my daughter being a kid and learning the big lessons in life Enjoy her creation, words, illustrations and expression of emotions… Video here: Raffles Really Really Stink by Thomais Individuals in the spectrum are very literal Explaining the concept of a raffle takesContinue Reading