My daughter is 9 years old.

My daughter has autism.

My daughter is proud of who she is.

As a parent I could not be more at peace, relieved, proud and accomplished.

This sentiment, being aware of it, is instilled at home. My day as a parent could have been as challenging as it can be, as complicated as it could get… yet, I’ll always make the choice to guarantee my daughter will hear from me, I am proud of her.

The source of pride is love which supercedes all confrontations with reality I may face. Yes, that unconditional love parenting promotes.

The source of pride is prioritizing what we are and how my actions will influence and/or impress my daughter.

I invite every parent to put aside – for a minute – all worries, source of pressure, frustrations we all face as we raise or care for our child/adult with a diagnosis. Say it with my daughter, say it with me – I am proud of me.

Do not miss the opportunity to communicate this powerful idea, thought with your loved ones.

Let me know how it goes!