The month of April is considered the time to highlight all things autism. In our life, every day of the year is the moment to do so. But we move along and we sought opportunities to share a variety of messages that help others understand what autism can be aboutContinue Reading

My goodness… and dreams do come true… I just received the greatest news. The script – Autism The Happy Kingdom – that I submitted to Tagore International Film Festival (TIFF) in Bolpur, India won an OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD (feature script category). This is beyond rewarding. It is the confirmation that I mustContinue Reading

For the last 4 years we have been so fortunate to receive the support from Autism Live and Shannon Penrod. Yes, they are the site/podcast by excellence to learn more about autism and its realities. Shannon is spectacular. She gets us. She lives autism. She listens to the families. SheContinue Reading

It is beyond rewarding when hard work produces results. I have sent more than 100 press releases. All kinds of organizations have received it. And it only takes one positive response to put it all in perspective and reaffirm your purpose. We are correct by following our instinct. We areContinue Reading

Yes, to gain access to a worldwide market with a streamlined distribution network… I have placed our book – What I Gained and Lost During COVID19 –  in Amazon. It is a needed evil with great power! As a start up business, with no income to invest in launching aContinue Reading