November 4, 2020

UPDATE – Rainbow’s crowdfunding campaign reached its goal in 48hrs!

5 believers took a bold step to support the process and guarantee self-publishing and empowerment are a reality.

One more time, partnerships with strategic leaders create an environment of growth and possibility. So important we work with KidEverest!

Also, the understanding we are not capable of doing it all – – YET!!

Beyond thankful to Stephanie, Teddi and Chris, Tina, Tressy and Liza!

Bestseller here we go!!










  • Nov. 7, 2020 —

    Our live with Kid Everest was sooo much fun!
    I was myself. I shared a bit of everything… and I made my infamous jokes!!
    Above all, we said thank you for this great opportunity to remove hurdles and making it easier so I can make my goals a reality.
    We continue!!!




Nov. 2, 2020

** This time Rainbow Mosho joins forces with the marvel sisters from Kid Everest.

Kayla, Keagan and Ashley are the Founders and their purpose is to build entrepreneurship skills in kids and teens. Above all, supporting the thought process that nothing should stop you from growing, succeeding and learning.

Click to see Rainbow’s Crowdfunding details

Why is this an important step?
Well, as you can imagine resources are limited. I am a start up entrepreneur. I am learning how to build an audience. I am guaranteeing my messages are being shared in an efficient manner.
This does not happen like magic and we can agree on the fact the entrepreneurial spirit of teens will move us forward. And all of you know, money is needed!
This is easier said than done. But, as many successful entrepreneurs will tell you – I started with nothing, I lost a lot and I gained a lot. And we can relate to this thought process immensely. And we are ready to try!
Click to see  VIDEO
Read this article about the benefits of crowdfunding
Go ahead. Share. Let an Angel Investor know they can support Rainbow and her dream to self-publish and see her book become a bestseller.