A local government employee said it:  We love to see such a key local resource making real efforts to be inclusive and serve the full community!

Yes, immense thanks to Diane Johnson, Library Director, Hendersonville Public Library in Sumner Cty TN. She knows our families need a place to call their own, a place where their kids, teens and adults experience community.

This process began with author Mary Elizabeth Jackson interacting with the Library and asking. Then it was a matter of time and effort to connect with local organizations to confirm the need to host an Awareness and Acceptance Expo was to become a reality.

Rainbow Mosho found out about it because her mom – me –  wrote to local libraries inquiring about book readings and interaction with the locals. And she got invited to join this incredible group of community leaders and opened the door to interact with the community.

It was a magnificent event. So needed.

Rainbow loved introducing herself in a video and sharing: Don’t Doubt Me! and I write books because I want kids to learn from a kid!

She met the Mayor of Hendersonville.

Daisy and Holland from Borderless Arts TN.

Susan Bailey Moss from TN Dept of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

Sid from TN Respite Coalition.

Author Chelsea Radojcic-DiCiccio










She had an Interview with Special Needs TV from South Africa and author Mary Elizabeth Jackson!






I wrote this in a letter to the Mayors of the biggest cities in Tennessee —

How can the government entity that you lead support the Diane’s and Rainbow’s of this world
to continue to create opportunity and interaction that is needed?
Yes, the need exists to have similar events in every Library, in major cities of the state.
Diane  can confirm the investment was minimal – no need to rent space, tables,
chairs, pay for internet connection. The door has been opened to continue to use
adequately existing spaces that can provide diverse information and diminish the gaps
faced by us, the parents/caregivers of individuals with disabilities. Yes, the challenges
and gaps the press keeps talking about, created by last year’s challenges with
COVID19 and the lack of face to face interaction.

We need similar events in every major city in the country!

Rainbow Mosho and I are ready, let’s do this!!!


BTW — The Hendersonville LIbrary has catalogued our books! This is huge!!!