And I take this opportunity to correct myself… Yes, I’ve learned to be humble and recognize and hold accountable those who are doing what they must. In this case, Hollywood, production companies, talent agencies, theater because they all make the obvious decision to hire individuals with a myriad of diagnosis,Continue Reading

A recent interview with A.ware Foundation in Canada gave Rainbow and her mom the opportunity to share insight. What influences and inspire the art of Rainbow Mosho? A great question with  revealing answers that shed light on the emotions and pain experienced by a 12 year old with autism. Let’sContinue Reading

When in need of help… you seek it. How? At this point of time, there is no limit to the various sources of support many families, educators and therapists can find – particularly if your kid/teen/adult has a diagnosis. Yes, many of our children require various supports. Many of thoseContinue Reading

Right before 2018 ended, I read something that brightened my day and forced me to remain in gratitude… Regardless of the challenges and uncertainty we face. A new year means… 12 new chapters with 365 new episodes… May every new episode in your life be filled with discoveries and strengthContinue Reading