MAY 2020
Families… We have lived and experienced a variety of realities. Much learning no doubt … moments of joy and confusion, all at the same time.
My daughter, almost 12, with autism, now she is verbal – she shared her love for her grandmother and expressed her feelings recently, at her memorial. …
The most significant moment until today, May 26, 2020 … is to realize how strong my daughter is. Also, it is surviving indescribable moments for our human race. It is adjusting to big changes. It is living, feeling and expressing ourselves in different ways.
My mother passed away … and all of our preconceptions about raising a daughter considered disabled in a variety of situations we experience, are on trial.
This writing reflects this moment, what I feel and what worries me. I want to generate a constructive dialogue and share solutions.
When You’re Gone!
by Yadira V. Calderon
Go at peace knowing that your child is loved.
Go at peace fulfilled after giving your all to your descendants.
Go at peace realizing you did everything in your power to raise an independent and healthy child.
Go at peace with the pain survived.
Go at peace after crying alone and no one knew this happened.
Go at peace making amends with those who wronged you.
Go at peace discovering you loved to look at the sky everyday at 7pm.
Go at peace since you hurt many and you could never say I’m sorry.
Go at peace whereas you loved without limit.
Go at peace and leave all doubts behind.
Go at peace having kissed your loved ones.
Go at peace ready to guard the ones who cry for your soul.
Go at Peace
Go at Peace
Go at Peace
What do I need to do???
If I’ve missed an important detail, please let me know. My loved ones will thank you.
* How to write a living will
* A mom suggested this:

Another incredible mom suggests this: