We are so thankful to the members of the press that have expressed interest in our projects in the U.S.A., South America and Europe. Visit our news page here!                 * OCTOBER 2017 –  REGIONAL EMMY NOMINATION FOR WEDU-PBS broadcast  – Autism TownContinue Reading

Greatest experience ever…  another one! To see my daughter being a kid and learning the big lessons in life Enjoy her creation, words, illustrations and expression of emotions… Video here: Raffles Really Really Stink by Thomais Individuals in the spectrum are very literal Explaining the concept of a raffle takesContinue Reading

We know all about autism awareness. We want action. Life with autism is 365 days, 24/7… These are various posts  I shared in social media. They reflect the reality of many families. For many it’s been the same or worse for 10+ years. The media rarely reports on these matters.Continue Reading