So much keeps happening. So much we continue to discover. Rainbow Mosho is a 12 year old with autism who prefers to express her emotions – even though many times she does not understand why she feels a certain way. Mom and family to the rescue – we support eachContinue Reading

Rainbow Mosho learned a bit more about selling art and supporting Unique Sweets and Liza Pereira Curiel – those Tropical cupcakes are incredible!! What a team, such dedication… #Chicago welcomed Rainbow MOSHO with open arms… Validating her skills as an #artist and building needed skills for her future. Thank youContinue Reading

MAY 2020   Families… We have lived and experienced a variety of realities. Much learning no doubt … moments of joy and confusion, all at the same time. My daughter, almost 12, with autism, now she is verbal – she shared her love for her grandmother and expressed her feelingsContinue Reading

When in need of help… you seek it. How? At this point of time, there is no limit to the various sources of support many families, educators and therapists can find – particularly if your kid/teen/adult has a diagnosis. Yes, many of our children require various supports. Many of thoseContinue Reading