For the last 4 years we have been so fortunate to receive the support from Autism Live and Shannon Penrod. Yes, they are the site/podcast by excellence to learn more about autism and its realities.
Shannon is spectacular. She gets us. She lives autism. She listens to the families. She is funny. And she has always treated my daughter with the utmost respect and care. That is why I seek their attention when we do something that others should know about.
But, this year we met Nancy. Just meltable. Two powerhouse moms sharing reality and caring for what we have to say.
Both wanted to talk about our books, Rainbow’s art, entrepreneurship, seeking quality of life, development of PTSD in 2020 and how Rainbow has been coping with the new reality we face. And they want us to return when the third book, Balloons, is released in June.

We can only say thank you. Keep us inspired and creating opportunity!