November 4, 2020 UPDATE – Rainbow’s crowdfunding campaign reached its goal in 48hrs! 5 believers took a bold step to support the process and guarantee self-publishing and empowerment are a reality. One more time, partnerships with strategic leaders create an environment of growth and possibility. So important we work withContinue Reading

Yes, it happens. And it is an empowering moment when an established artist, who creates blissful pieces, takes his time and space to let others know about you. In this case, Artist Lex Tirado (from Puerto Rico) decided it was important to share Rainbow’s art and inspiration to his followers.Continue Reading

The State of Tennessee has been so good to us. Everywhere we turn, opportunity knocks on our doors. But, when I am the one knocking, or sending e-mails, many times, the doors open and we are beyond surprised. We thank Borderless Arts Tennessee for the great variety of artistic experiencesContinue Reading

A recent interview with A.ware Foundation in Canada gave Rainbow and her mom the opportunity to share insight. What influences and inspire the art of Rainbow Mosho? A great question with  revealing answers that shed light on the emotions and pain experienced by a 12 year old with autism. Let’sContinue Reading

What to do when your child has a diagnosis and needs greater supports to achieve quality of life???? Well, you build on #entrepreneurship skills at 12yrs old… you build a network… you find mentors and you emphasize ability The #Chattanooga #Autism Center opened the door to share experiences, dreams andContinue Reading